i grew mine in much the same way as mister tucker. i brought mine in around 40' with the paphs...vandas and phals not below 50'...protection from the cold windz. be careful not to let water sit on the leaves or in the crowns either when it gets cold as it will leave brown spots on the leaves.

and they will be ugly.
very careful watering is important as always but more important now as overwatering in the heat isnt as damaging as overwatering them in the colder months. cold is far less forgiving and the plants will suffer.
The dew from the cold night and the mornings warming up was my main source of watering. i find my plants covered in dew and dry up pretty fast in the a.m. when the sun comes up. if it doesnt the plants wont warm up and they wont be wet...let nature work for you not against you