Im glad you all like this

. Im going to tear it down and put up a 6 x 8 snap and grow greenhouse.All my stuff got hit today by hail. Had 6 inches of ice rocks in my yard when it was over. My plants are all bruised and Im going to start throwing them away tomorrow. All the blooms are torn off. Bulbs snapped in half. Leaves shredded. This wont happen again. One other time I got hit and was lucky I could drag my stuff in the house. Saved all the phals and a few odd ones I could grab. They are just plants but this really hurts me feelings. I have worked so hard to keep my plants clean and nice looking. Im fighting a battle of the wits and dont have much sense seems like.
649.00 free shipping from greenhouse mega store. a Snap and Grow 6 x 8. I want one of the Solexx greenhouses but they are 3 times that. Wish I could hold out for the Solexx but the Snap and Grow will do the same job. Just not as fancy. I dont need fancy thats obvious.
I just need some cover now. I have too much money sitting out dependant on the forces of nature to cooperate. It isnt. Ill have to make my own force of nature artificially
Thanks you all for being so kind.

with your happy plants.
I just ordered it. Done deal Im feeling better already!!!