Here is my process for my new $20 shade house. Let me know what I did wrong. First, I used the frame from our old motorcycle "shed". The cover had rotted, but the frame was fine.
Then I took a bunch of rough sawed lumber that we had and milled it down to what I could use.
Next I got to work making the benches. I used some fencing that was left over from when the property was fenced in for the dogs.
Now to fit them into the structure.
And finally the shade cloth that a good friend of mine gave me.
The shade house is 5 feet across at the bottom and 11 feet long. It sits with the open ends facing N and S. The west side will get additional shade in the late afternoon due to a row of huge pine trees that sits just across the property line. I put 2 layers of weed cloth on the ground and a third layer under the walk way. I still need to string some wire to be able to hang my mounts over the benches. And I am going to add "curtain" doors on the ends yet.
So, what do you all think??