I would like to try growing a Phalaenopsis gigantea tree mounted outdoors yearround in my Pyrgos garden.
Pyrgos is generally humid even in the summer and at night there is almost always dew. The microclimate under the tree i plant to mount it on is even more humid thanks to protection from an unheated building on one side and from a wall contacting soil for its full 2,5m height,on the other side,which should keep the area warmer as well. The many understory plants help on that as well! Pyrgos receives arround 1000mm of rain annually with most during winter but they are generally well distributed from September through May. There is usually no rainfall during the 3 summer months. Pyrgos is relatively warm yearround with almost all days above 10C even during the worst period of winter. Annual lows are -1C to -2C and every 20 years or so we get a bad freeze with a record of -3,6C. Pyrgos has only 1-2 nights in total of such temperatures and they only occur just before sunrise and then it warms up fast to 10C or more. The area i want to mount this orchid has an even better microclimate and it may actually never freeze there or it might be more like -1C or -2C during the worst winter and this would be under tree canopy so frost shouldnt be an issue.
Do you think Phalaenopsis gigantea can handle that with proper mounting? The trunk of the tree is leaning for a good part so its even possible to mount the P. gigantea under it if that would help. Watering would be daily(night) in winter(unless it rains)and bi daily in summer(morning and night)via spaying of the trunk with microsprinkels(or any other better way you propose

). Any info you can give me on the proper way to mount it(position on the trunk,media used to wrap on the trunk and hold some extra moisture maybe,etc)and of its watering when tree mounted outside,would be really appreciated. This tree's trunk will eventually be filled with epiphytes, on its upper side mainly, including Monstera deliciosa,Asplenium nidus,Vanilla planiflora,Zamia pseudoparasitica and others so extra protection from those other plants will come before a record cold hits.
Please share your experiences and thoughts growing tropical Phalaenopsis outdoors! I grow many tropical palms in my garden,including ones that are considered as sensitive like Kerriodoxa elegans and cold sensitive cycads like tropical plicate leafed Zamia without problems so far(no record cold yet though...hopefully my canopy fills before it comes!

Thank you very much in advance!