Originally Posted by Bird Song Farm
I was going through your pictures again today and wanted to compliment you on the psychopsis in particular. It's a beauty, they are one of my favorite orchids.
That is the first one I have bought since I killed the only Psychopsis I had years ago. I loved the foliage on this one. The name on it is Psychopsis papillio 'Mendenhall'. Right now it has 3 mature spikes and one more coming!
Here are some close ups of the bloom.
Originally Posted by thakshila smith
Thanks for the pics. Here some people grow as yours but because of heavy rain falls flowers drape down and do not last long .that is the disadvantage.
But yours are great indeed.

Yeah I have to be careful of rains here too. I use a very coarse potting mix to avoid root rot but if it rains too much on the blooms it can shorten their bloom time. I can always bring the blooming ones inside on the porch if the rains get really bad. Glad you enjoyed the pics.
Originally Posted by peeweelovesbooks
Hi there! Welcome to the MB.
Thanks for the welcome!