I was wondering if this light was be ok for my orchids.
I have catts.. onc.& a den...
250 watt metal halide 4,000k bulb . Both are standard bulbs and have the same specs and color. The ballast is incapulated in a rubber cement which keeps it extremely quiet and cool.
How far away should I keep the light from my first row. There are 3 shelfs.
Thanks you
I use a 250 watt hps set up and the shelf is 25 inches below the light. My catts and dens have done very very well under this so it should work just fine at this distance ....
But take care to start out with the light on for a few mins at a time and perhaps a high wattage cfl also at this distance to use when the hid is off adjusting them to the bright light from the metal halide.start with maybe 15 mins at a time twice a day at first and then go to 30 twice a day after a week watching for burn you dont want to burn them for sure .And you could even start with the light tewice as high and leave it on longer and adjust the height instead of time it is on for.