I was wondering if there are many orchids that can be grown outside up here in NY. If so is there anywhere that I could get them. I know that these orchids are not the mainstreem cultivars but I think that these might be easier and more space efficient to grow.
While not as flashy or large as the tropical orchids, there are some amazing hardy orchids. Most have tiny, intricate flowers, and some have the most incredible smell. Many are alpine plants. Quite a few are difficult to grow, but you can easily find sources for hardy orchids online. I can't recommend any sources because I haven't used any of them. Washington has 20 or 30 species of native orchids. I'm sure there are some in NY too, like cypripediums.
The showiest outdoor orchids that can be grown in New York are Cypripediums. Most of the species are not easy but a couple of species and virtually all of the hybrids are not too demanding. I recommend C pubescens (sometimes called C parviflorum var pubescens) and C reginae and any of the hybrids, particularly C Gisela. As to their availability in New York, I can't help you but there is a company called the Vermont Ladyslipper Company not too far away.
You've got until spring to do your research. One caveat - DO NOT dig up Cyps from a wild population to grow in your garden. Many Cyp species are endangered in the wild.
Thanks for mentioning that wild orchids shouldn't be collected Carl. I should have said that as well. That goes for all orchids really. In the Pacific Northwest we have Calypso bulbosum, which is commonly picked because it's as beautiful (IMHO) as the tropical orchids. The delicate roots are usually broken and a plant that could have been enjoyed for years is snuffed out for a few moments of pleasure. Many of our native terrestrials form at least semi-symbiotic relationships with mycorrhizal fungi, so collecting from the wild is not commonly successful anyways. Vendors carefully and responsibly collect seed and raise chids. That's how they should be acquired.
Ya I totaly agree with the do not collect policy and in NY it is illegal to collect them without permits. I love the looks of the ladysslipper orchids an hae wanted one for a really long time.