Well, Jackie and I made a venture to the Central Florida Orchid Society's annual orchid auction and we both were bad influences on each other!
I swear I planned on getting 2 or 3 but....
Well, no pictures yet, but I do have a list to share. I got some really neat things! Some really good prices on some of them too!
1. V. brunnea ($25)
2. Ascda. Leenachai x V. Bitz's Heartthrob ($25)
3. Aerangis citrata ($27.50)
4. Onc. sphacelatum ($12.50)
5. Grcym. Lovely Melody ($12.50)
6. Iwar. Apple Blossom 'Golden Beauty'
We also stopped by another place on the way home that I was just going to point out the location for Jackie, but we stopped and I got another one and she added three or four more! I have been wanting and looking for this particular one, so I am thrilled! (Is is also just opening the first flower on it's two shoots!)
Hwra. Lava Burst 'punani'
If anyone can offer me any care tips for these guys I would really appreciate it. I am especially confused about the Grcym. the Iwar. and the Aerangis. I can't even find the Iwar anywhere. Maybe I spelled it wrong? Well, any tips would be helpful. I will get some pics
and post them up tomorrow or so.