Growing orchids outdoors can sometimes present challenges. As my orchid collection increases I find sufficient space and adequate lighting to be my biggest issues and due to city codes and a yard dotted with tall palm trees an orchid house would not be practical.
A few weeks ago I decided to plant some live orchid mounts. The mounts chosen were an Avocado and Mango Tree. In addition to these I also had a beautiful Australian Fern Tree that had outgrown it's present location and was in desperate need of a transplant.
So, off I went to the nursery to make a few purchases. In addition to the Mango and Avocado I wound up purchasing 3 banana trees, 1 plantain tree, a lemon tree, a dwarf pomegranate, a bird of paradise, 2 passion vines, two citronella plants, 2 large tomato plants, a Carolina Jasmine, potting soil, cow manure, composted peat and several bags of mulch.
The entire next day was spent digging, weeding, prepping the soil, and planting and the next 5 days were spent in pain. Do you think I over did it just a tad? Here are a few photos of the results.
A very large invasive snow bush had to be dug up in order to plant the bird of paradise. The Australian Tree Fern lost several fronds, but seems to be recovering now. I had originally planted it too near the house and it had to be moved. The mango and avocado trees should be ready for their orchid mounts in 2 or 3 years. Patience is a virtue, right?