12-20-2019, 11:10 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Zone: 5b
Location: Michigan
Posts: 3,077
Yes, Ray is quite correct. "Lath" is pronounced like "math." Lath is the name for a thin, flat strip of wood -- especially one of a series forming a foundation for the plaster of a wall.
"Lathe" (as in "bathe") is a machine which is used to rotate a piece of wood on its axis while it is being shaped/carved -- as one would use to shape the spindles of a chair.
It would not surprise me in the least if your confusion stems from hearing the word pronounced incorrectly by others. Not unlike how prevalent the mispronunciation of "keiki" is in orchid circles. (For those who may be interested, it is NOT pronounced "kee-kee." The correct pronunciation is "KAY-kee.")