Suffering "Wild" orchid removal ethical or not?
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Suffering "Wild" orchid removal ethical or not?
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Old 03-20-2016, 11:33 PM
Oclover Oclover is offline
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Suffering &quot;Wild&quot; orchid removal ethical or not?
Unhappy Suffering "Wild" orchid removal ethical or not?

I recently visited a bungalow house in the hilltops around where I live, and within the cleanly landscaped compound I stumbled upon a couple of miniature "wild" orchids on a 2 foot shrub/bush.

One was in pretty bad condition, covered in scale with sun burnt leaves but the other was ok, both had dried up roots as it's been horribly hot due to the heat wave that's been hitting us over the past 3 months. It's very obvious that the plants are very young and were struggling, my guess is that they weren't more then a year old.

So, with the knowledge that they will be chopped off when the gardeners cut back all the greenery within the compound and seeing that they were on thier last leg anyway, I could not leave them there to die, so I carefully removed them. I have now mounted them onto driftwood and they seem to be doing fine.

I honestly would have left them there if they were in the jungle but it was obvious they wouldn't be there the following year.

So my question is; is it still considered unethical to have removed them? I know the law here and it doesn't apply to private properties, so I've not broken any laws, but I still feel crappy as I've had horrible backlash from members from another forum, parcially my fault as I did not fully explain and it did seemed as though I just took them becuase they were "wild", but in actual fact weren't taken from the wild.

I kindly ask that everyone please be polite with responding, I've honestly had enough guilt and dont need to be lectured and hounded again, I just need to know if what I did was wrong and if I should have instead left them there to die.
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Old 03-20-2016, 11:41 PM
campchi campchi is offline
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Suffering &quot;Wild&quot; orchid removal ethical or not? Male

If it's within a private property, i don't think it's unethical, not to mention the condition its in.

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Old 03-21-2016, 12:03 AM
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There is a difference between "wild-collected endangered indigenous species" and a volunteer growing in a garden on private property.

There are many factors to collecting ethics: first and foremost is the law (local or international) whether enforced or not, authority to collect (appropriate permits), knowledge of what (the plant) and how (cultivation).

Personally, I'm of two minds. I'm not going to condemn someone who poaches in certain economic situations nor if the plant is going to be plowed under tomorrow. I would like the plant to have been fully identified/catalogued/taxonified (whatever the whole process is called) but we don't live in my perfect world. I find it troublesome that some people plunder just because they can and get away with it.

ETA:Private property can also mean thousands/millions of acres and I'm not sure provisions are made to protect species (that need it) here or elsewhere.
Anon Y Mouse

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity." Hanlon’s Razor

I am not being argumentative. I am correcting you!

LoL Since when is science an opinion?

Last edited by AnonYMouse; 03-21-2016 at 12:14 AM..
Old 03-21-2016, 06:00 AM
Orchid Whisperer Orchid Whisperer is offline
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Suffering &quot;Wild&quot; orchid removal ethical or not? Male

I read the thread on the other forum and thought the replies you received were reasonable and not rude, given the information you originally posted.

Your reply back, however, was quite rude, with some mild profanity included, and wishing that entire forum good riddance. Sorry, no sympathy from me.

I'll let you work out the morality/legality of the orchids you collected. It didn't happen in my country, so I can't weigh in on those issues.
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Old 03-21-2016, 07:12 AM
Oclover Oclover is offline
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Suffering &quot;Wild&quot; orchid removal ethical or not?

Orchid Whisperer, I was rude because the reply I received was uncalled for, and if you feel it wasn't insulting then that's understandably your personal view, but I'm very certain it would seem different if was directed at you. I don't need people talking to me like I'm stupid, nor do I need to be talked down to, it certainly felt like that and it upset me a great deal.

I guess speaking my mind must be profanity to some but it certainly wasn't profanity in my eyes, my intelligence was clearly insulted and cannot not allow strangers to talk to me like so without defending myself. The reply made it seem that by picking an orchid, I'd go to jail for a great crime against nature, it's absurd and unnecessary. Again, put yourself in my shoes, i never thought I'd get a lectured reply, if my judgement was wrong then so be it, I can't take it back, what's done is done.

Obviously I'm not welcome on these forums because I took "wild" orchids out of a private garden, and I'll gladly apologize and never ever take an orchid ever again, no matter it's condition. I will even go to the extent of taking the orchids back and mounting them on to a tree close to where the house is, whatever it takes to resolve this mess and blame. I don't need to feel this bad for a mistake, It's not like I murdered someone but I now understand I'm in the wrong and I'll fix it whichever way I can.

I decided to be part of these forums because I wanted to share what I love, but now I wish I never signed up, I've already made a fool of myself and by replying I'm certainly digging deeper hole.

Again, I apologize for all that I've said, I'm only human and I'll take responsibility for my words and actions.

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Old 03-21-2016, 07:44 AM
katrina katrina is offline
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Suffering &quot;Wild&quot; orchid removal ethical or not? Female

Had you posted that you took them from private property and that you had permission to do so, you would have received different comments. However, you posted that you were on a day trip in the Genting Highlands and that you "stumbled upon them" on a shrub/bush...and that you proceeded to take them because you thought they looked "sad". No mention of private mention of permission...and certainly no mention of your knowing they would soon be chopped off.

Had you posted here the exact wording you used over would have received similar information about the risks of poaching wild orchids. The reality is that many people do not realize the negative impact poaching is having on wild populations nor do many realize the ramifications should one be caught doing so and the responses you received were nothing more than informative and asking you to please not take anything from the wild unless you have a permit to do it.
Old 03-21-2016, 07:52 AM
Oclover Oclover is offline
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Suffering &quot;Wild&quot; orchid removal ethical or not?

Yes, I made the mistake of not explaining in detail. Im pretty sure I mentioned the bungalow, - doesn't matter now really - either way, it was my fault for not making myself clear, unfortunately I can't do much about it now, all I can do is apologize again.

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Old 03-21-2016, 08:19 AM
katrina katrina is offline
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Suffering &quot;Wild&quot; orchid removal ethical or not? Female

No, no mention of a bungalow, I can promise you that.

I'm not sure why you took it as a "backlash" when not one of those responding to your post was nasty or insulting. The responses given were simply factual information on the problems of poaching and the risks associated with such activities. And they asked you to please leave the plants in the wild. And the word please was used.

The only response that was nasty, in any way, was the one you posted after the others were attempting to relay important information on the topic.

Like I said, had you posted that you collected from private property and that you had permission to do one would've been left with the impression that you took them from the wild. And with that in mind, not one person would've felt compelled to explain the problems and risks associated with such activities.

FWIW - this is clearly just a case of bad communication and there are no hard feelings. None of us are perfect but there is no call for ranting on one forum about activities on another forum. Resolve your problems where you feel they exist. It's more productive that way...and far less frustrating, I'm sure.

Last edited by katrina; 03-21-2016 at 08:26 AM..
Old 03-21-2016, 08:27 AM
Oclover Oclover is offline
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Suffering &quot;Wild&quot; orchid removal ethical or not?

I've repeatedly apologized, I don't know how many more times I'm going to have to apologize. I'd really appreciate it if this can be put to rest, Ive more important issues in life that need my attention right now. I'm in the wrong, I've learnt my lesson.

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Old 03-21-2016, 08:29 AM
Oclover Oclover is offline
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Suffering &quot;Wild&quot; orchid removal ethical or not?

Also, I'm no longer on the other forum, that's why I haven't posted a reply there.

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wild, obvious, honestly, removed, die, left, compound, law, unethical, mounted, carefully, apply, jungle, fine, is;, driftwood, considered, question, backlash, polite, responding, kindly, guilt, wrong, lectured

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