Originally Posted by ronaldhanko
These were photographed at about 5500 feet, but they bloom at much lower elevations. You have to catch them right at snow-melt time. They bloom here from the beginning of May through the beginning of August, at different elevations.
I was in Glacier National Park last week of July til the first week of August. There were all over on high elevation (I forgot the number value). It is supposed to be the hottest season there yet, with the high location and constant breeze, it was actually quite chilly. Large peice of ice were all around while the rest of the "lower" meado area was all green and some pink wild flowers here and there, and Glacier Lily everywhere!
It was quite the site.
would love to go again, but I admist I'm not sure if I want to do the driving up there again unless they install some safty wall of some sort along the raod. I was so scared. no kidding!