"I searched on Kew for Maxillaria crassifolia but found it accepted as Heterotaxis sessilis."
Justin, isn't this exactly the question you originally asked about? Namely, where can I get up to date botanical nomenclature?
Nomenclature is an ever evolving science. With the introduction of DNA analysis it's become very rapidly moving, but even with traditional morphology it was not static.
Just write your material this way.......
Heterotaxis sessilis(syn. Maxillaria crassifolia). The system is designed to preserve historical information. Any (accepted) previous name is valid just superseded by new (hopefully better) information. You will notice in the history some names that were not properly documented and identified with such info as "nom. illeg."
P.S. My bad, but to be perfectly correct all these names should include the author's name at the end.
Last edited by goodgollymissmolly; 01-03-2011 at 06:47 AM..