Originally Posted by tim abbott
I go to a cattle ranch about 6 miles south of Cheifland, Fl. [i]t has numerous cypress heads and stands of pine. Temperatures sometimes go below freezing there in the winter. Does anyone know if there are wild orchid species growing in these habitats?
Tim Abbott
The ones I was able to find are terrestrials.
Triphora trianthophora: habitat in mixed woodlands often with partridge-berry.flower period July thru December
Several types of Spiranthes habitat roadside, damp woodlands, prairies meadows.
Pogonia ophioglossoides: Habitat roadsides, ditches, open bogs, flowering period March-May
Platanthera nivea and Platanthera cristata: habitat wet meadows prairies, seeps, damp pine flowering period late May-July for nivea and late June to late September for cristata
Hexalectris spicata: habitat dry, open hardwood forest, specially under live oak flowering period August
Habenaria odontopetala: habitat damp hardwood hammocks flowering period February.
Many types of Calopogon. habitat wet meadows, pine flat-woods and sphagnous roadside. flowering period March-August.
Hope this gives you something to start with. good luck and hope to see your finds.