Sorry I missed this outing, hopefully there will be another soon.
Were any of the epiphytes blooming (besides the ghosts)?
Also, did we get a solid ID on those we saw from the previous trip?
You'll see 3 different orchids in this pic, with the one on the right already ID'd (Prosthechea cochleata) but the 2 on the right we weren't sure.
It was suggested the smaller Epidendrum in the middle might be a green fly orchid, but Luer's book shows it not being this far south.
Could it be...
Epi Conopseum?
Epi Rigidum?
Longer reed stem epidendrum on the far left, could it be...
Epi Anceps?
Epi Difforme?
And lastly, has anyone seen Maxillaria Crassifolia out there?