I disappeared of the face of the earth for two and a half months and thus haven't posted in a while. I just spent that time hiking through the mountains of north eastern New Mexico (the Sangre de Christo range if any one was interested) but now on to the orchids.
I found two species of Corallorhiza, a genus of terrestrial saprophytic orchids (i think saprophytes are SO COOL). these little beauties have approximately 1/4 in. blooms. the first 2 pics are C. maculata or spotted coral-root and the second 2 are C. striata or striped coral-root.
then one day i stumbled upon a lone Cypripedium pubescens sadly the bloom was starting to fade but it is still a lovely flower.
ps this is the first time i've posted pics so if i messed it up or they don't appear i'm sorry.