I've read this thread before and could have sworn I posted something in it. Oh well.
Dave, I am so sorry that an orchid you have been watching was snatched from its' home. This is not your fault in any way, though. You shouldn't beat yourself up. You are trying to spread awareness and give people a chance to see one of the most beautiful orchids out there. Someone's greed and lack of respect is not your doing. I know it's disheartening to think that you could be the one to show the poacher the location of this chid, but don't let that stop you from trying to educate others. Someone who truly loves and respects orchids would not have taken it or any other plant from the wild. You may not have even been the one to show the location to the vile human that did this.
I agree with Ross in that you should be very selective in who you show these amazing plants to.