I (finally) organized my orchids

from Nepal (some taken back in 2001, others more recently), and I thought I could show them on the OB. It is always nice to see them in their natural habitat
The first batch have an ID, the second are NOID

(help welcome if anyone has an idea of the species)
In order of appearence (from top left to bottom right) :
Calanthe tricarinata (2 pic) - Coelogyne corymbosa - Coelogyne cristata - Dendrobium amoenum
Dendrobium amoenum - Dendrobium amoenum+ Bulbo ? - Pleione humilis - Pleione praecox - Vanda cristata
Notice on the first picture of Dend. amoenum how the plant is growing straight on the rock...
The Vanda (last pict) was in a tree 5 meters above the ground, it was not fun to take the picture, I was
up in the tree, one hand holding the camera, the other holding a branch...