Ty! Yes much of the central ny former cernua are now arcisepila and incurva. I initially avoided trying to ID the non casei or ochroleuca spiranthes because of recurring headaches and knowing there are a lot of mixed traits in places, but friends matt young and mike Hough have been doing a lot of fieldwork and have seen what is supposed to be incurva and arcisepila and showed me how to have a decent idea. They’ve also been doing dna checking and concur that there are mixed traits between the two. I’ve sent samples of different things and when I’ve thought it was cernua or arcisepila the testing agreed. But some of the spots had already been tested and confirmed that many of the former odorata up here were cernua so it was ‘easier’

. I’ve found arcisepila in nj in mid to lower places, so extending the known range of it further south than the paper has initially indicated. Not sure if mike posted these to inat for me or not...