Originally Posted by Afid
I have around 32 acres, which is small enough to be manageable, but big enough to have habitat for a nice variety of orchids. I spend a LOT of time walking around, but I still find new things every time! I even found an entire species that I had somehow missed the last 4 years I have been orchid hunting, and it was a big patch next to the trail. They are just about to bloom so you will get to see pictures soon!
Afid, can I just say, 32 acres (129499 square meters, or 0.129499 square kilometers) is an
insane amount of land (insanely large, that is). I just did some measurements on Google Earth, and a square covering 32 acres, with my house at the center, would engulf a hundred or so houses (too lazy to count exactly how many, but it's a lot!)... no wonder you have wild orchids!