New Orchid Hybrid
Well this is actually pretty sick news. I just found out after registering my new orchid hybrid with the Royal Horticultural Society that they’re naming the cross after me.
Suara Rick Beverly
(Epi. cordigera var rosea X Dialc. Controversy)
So it’s a cross between Epidendrum X Caulathron X Laelia X Cattleya). Does anyone here have any resources so I can get this mericloned? My usual cultivator is actually retiring, so I don’t know if I will be able to get that process started. If I can mericlone it, it will be labeled as:
Suara Rick Beverly ‘Valentine’s Gift’
So how do I get a photo uploaded on here? I’m doing this on my iPad. I can try posting on Facebook instead, if I can’t get it uploaded here.
There we go, I was finally about upload a photo of it. What do you think?
Last edited by aznparkranger; 02-09-2019 at 10:47 AM..
Reason: Trying to add photo