As is often the case, several of my Phals decided that the best time to be in full bloom was smack in the middle of my summer vacation. So the day before leaving (a month ago) I took some photos.
The first is Phal I-Hsin Salmon "Copper Star". It's the first spike in about 5 years, this one suffered badly when my collection was destroyed by disease and mealy bugs. Luckily it is a robust plant, and managed to bounce back.
Next is Phal Abed-Nego "Penny" HCC/AOS. Also a survivor plant, though it did bloom the past 2 years with 2 blooms both times.
Last one is Phal equestris "albescens". I've had this plant since last fall, and it's the second blooming in my care. Some vendors call it semi-alba as well.