This pretty lady seems to be a glutton for punishment.. got her 2 years ago from a friend who was going to toss it because after 6 years in her care "frickin stupid !#*@! never blooms!!". It had never been repotted, was still in that tiny plastic cup, the moss had turned to puke colored sludge, and had one root since my friend kept cutting off the air roots. I repotted it and said "well, sink or swim my sick 'chid"". It started growing roots like crazy

Then I forgot to bring it inside this last winter. Temps dipped down into the mid 30s and didn't get above 45 for almost a month. I didn't water it for 3 months since I figured it was dead (that's probably what saved it..) and low and behold it is gorgeous!!! I just repotted it again, and the container it is in now is still jam packed with happy little roots. It loves the abuse