Some might remember that I mentioned last week how I missed out on a couple of Sederia japonica plants on eBay (I already have a couple). Well, after I bemoaned missing them, Seed Engei put up a lot of two, Nagoran and Seigyokumaru. The plants arrived today and Seigyokumaru is in bloom. The plant is smaller than a Phal. chibae, and as soon as I opened the box the fragrance filled my kitchen:
One of my Phal. sanderiana opened a first flower on Easter Sunday. I wish I'd used a longer stake for the spike because the flowers seem a bit pendulant - the spike is over 2" long and I used a 1" stake. Oops.
A couple of weeks ago I posted the first flower from the left spike. Both of these Phal. equestrii are seedling plants, so blooming for the first time. I'm quite pleased with the number of flowers each has opened. I also have a peloric in bloom, an orange in bloom, two whites in heavy bud, and a blue in spike. Guess I like this species. (In the back right sit the remains of a Phal philippenensis recently savaged by a mouse).
Phal. Tying Shin Fly Eagle 'Wilson' is a really cool hybrid. The previous flower had a slightly different color pattern, so I'm interested in seeing if there's much variation in her bloom.

Here's the previous flower:
My Phal. pulchra is a somewhat hard plant for me to figure out. One week, it's producing leaves and roots like nobody's business and then it takes a week or two off. The first spike to develop on the plant this year is now about 6" long and still without a bud, while the second spike came from lower down the stem, is closer to 3.5", and has produced this flower.
Thank you for looking!