OK, when I say "today's", well, in the case of the first three it's literally today. I received a wonderful box from LOC in the mail, and three of the four plants inside were in bloom. (The fourth, Phal. deliciosa v. hookeriana, is in spike.) First up, Phal. equestris x deliciosa "Silver Leaf"; I grow both species but never imagined how delightful this cross would be:
I love Phal parishii, and have a lovely one in bloom (coming later). When LOC listed an
alba, I had to have it:
Finally from LOC, equestris, another favorite Phal, in the orange (Matsuno) form. THIS is a delightful equestris!:
Others just blooming have been in my collection for a while. I've shown this Phal parishii before, but it now has blooms on all four of its spikes:
This equestris is a plant I've grown from infancy (almost). It arrived as a wee seedling, but has (like its five shipping box mates), grown at an outrageous pace. The flower is the plant's first ever:
Finally, as much as I love equestris, cornu-cervi is my favorite Phal. Most of mine are the standard yellow with reddish barring, but this red variant is as deep a red as I could ask for: