Pleurothallis ruscifolia
This came to me the 3rd week of September this year.
I had been wanting to try and grow some Pleurothallis. I was dithering about finding one for my warm conditions. Seattle Orchids had a "scratch and dent" sale, including this plant offered for $10. I read it has an extremely wide natural distribution, which suggested to me it might tolerate a wide range of temperatures. As a bonus, it's supposed to be fragrant.
It came with four healthy growths, and one longer growth with a yellowish leaf. I put the plant into a large glass jar and set it off to the side of some CFL lights over Vanda seedlings. The plant sat there, with the new growth gradually looking worse and worse, the rest of the plant doing nothing. Moss began growing on the sphagnum, which I took as a good sign.
The unhealthy growth died. I began wondering whether the plant would grow again. Then, a few weeks ago, I saw green nubs appearing at the leaf sinuses, among old dry floral remnants. The buds developed and began blooming about 5 days ago. It has a fresh, fruity and floral scent, readily detectable if you put your nose up next to the flowers.
Edit added March 25 2017: There seems to be consensus this is not Pleurothallis ruscifolia, but perhaps an Octomeria. See below.
Last edited by estación seca; 03-26-2017 at 12:04 AM..