I was at the lake for the month of August. So I dragged these out there with me so I could enjoy them.
Phrag. Fritz Schomburg (bessiae x kovachii). My first bloom since I got it 1 1/2 years ago. The first bloom was 4 1/2 inches wide but the petals not exactly the same. 2nd bloom has nicer shape but is a bit smaller. I love the colour and shape.
Ctt. Minerva 'Garrett' HCC/AOS (Gur. bowringiana x C. loddigesii) This had 4 blooms last year and 6 this year, all nicely positioned for presentation. It's a division from a friend. It is an actual division from the awarded plant which somehow has been passed around quite far and wide. It has a beautiful scent, almost like roses.
Eny. Pixie Charm (Ctt. Pixie x E. alata) First bloom from what had been a seedling from H & R. My friend sent it to me as it wouldn't bloom for her. But I only got it this spring so I don't think I get all the credit. Nicely scented also.
Brat. Yvonne 'Vachon' (Brs. maculate x Milt. Goodale Moir). I bought this from The Orchid Species Preservation Foundation in Edmonton this spring as a small division. I really like the colour combination.
(C. Hsinying Excell 'DG' HCC/AOS x C. Tropical Sunset 'Calypso' BM/JOG) This is one of several I ordered from SVO when Fred Clarke came to Edmonton in June this year. It had another growth in bud when shipped but most of the buds fell off during shipping. Luckily this new growth was in sheath and I got 5 lovely blooms from it. The picture doesn't do it justice. It is really bright and cheerful with a lovely peppery scent.
I'm still enjoying all of these plus a few more now that I am back home