Got back from out trip to Moloka'i Saturday. It was a very nice experience. Definitely off the beaten track. Very few tourists go there, as compared to Oahu, Maui, Kaua'i, or here on Big Island. I can't speak for Lana'i, haven't been there yet. Moloka'i has an "old plantation" island flavor to it, not very slanted towards the tourist trade. We liked it.
The greatest benefit from the trip is being away from the orchids for a while. I didn't spend a week watching and waiting for buds to develop into blossoms. They just appeared when I did my walk about yesterday.
Epidendrum Something-something Hula Girl [or something like that]
My only cultivated weed patch of Bamboo orchids
Arundina graminifolia
I'm being lazy today. I am not going to the trouble of looking up correct names for those that I could.
Clown face Dracula
NoID Catt Hybrid
NoID Cymbidium

Actually, I do have a name for it somewhere. I just don't want to go look for it right now.
It is a warm tolerant hybrid that I picked up at last year's orchid show.
NoID Vanda

Another that I'm too lazy to go look it up. If memory serves me, it is a Thai import hybrid. I really like the coloring on this one.
There are several Oncidium hybrids that have bloomed but are not very showy. So, I have skipped posting pics of them. There are several more assorted getting ready to open blossoms in the near future. Pics when they do.