News first:
The Den. chrysotoxum has put out a third inflorescence well after the others were faded and gone. No pic.
I have a number of low light requirement orchids that have been badly stressed by too much light.
I moved them around to the less bright side of the house, but they still didn't like it very much.
So, I moved them here:
The little clown faced Dracula liked it so much that it has put out at least 2 buds, one of which has opened.
This Oncidium hybrid has bloomed like clockwork at least 2X a year since mounting it 2 or 3 years ago.
Then, it seems to be Miltoniopsis season.
One has already bloomed and is gone with no pics. It is just a darker color variation of this one:

The darker one has not done as well as this one. Why? I have no idea.
Then, There is this one, my present favorite. It is strongly fragrant.
It is the only fragrant Miltoniopsis I've ever seen.
Got more coming, a Laelia purpurata sanguinea, a Brassia hybrid, and a Den. moschatum have got buds well begun that will be opening soon.
Been too busy with other projects lately to follow orchids closely.
I forgot this one:

This pretty little Oncidium is the second orchid I had mounted around here. It didn't fare very well at first. Something kept eating the buds off of it the first 2 years. Finally, it got to bloom for the first time last year. It still lost quite a few buds. It seems to be doing very well this year.