The phals I received as a Christmas special from Carmela's are approaching full bloom now. None of them are producing as many blooms as I'd like, but that's to be expected. If I was dragged away from paradise and made to live in Oklahoma, I'd pout for a while, too! But, they are healthy and I anticipate a better show next year.
First up, Phal. Brother Lawrence x Yellow Brite Lites. This is a small flower, about an inch, and has a subtle aroma on warm days.
Next, Dtps. (Yu Pin Hakuto x Mary Crocker) x Dtps. Everspring Prince ‘Happy Cat'. I call it Penelope for short

This is quite a large flower on quite a small plant. It appears to be this plant's first bloom, so looking forward to future blooms!
Finally, my favorite of the bunch. Dtps. Chian Xen Pearl MP1059. These flowers are large (3 inches or so) and I love the pattern.
The color is velvety cranberry, very rich. And, they have flecks of glitter in their petals!
I'm very happy with these and their potential.
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