Thanks everyone.
I am really happy for the color(s) of these guys.
My guess is they are a variation the nursery was producing and some how a few (at least this one) got mixed in the shipment.
Originally Posted by Optimist
I have had one for some time. I have never had it ploom, despite re-potting it in various ways. It is alive but not happy. Do you have any tricks?
I had the same issue---alive but nothing special (no good growth or flower spikes).
When I divided mine into two I gave them about about 80% new soil. Then added 2 pinches (2 fingers and a thumb) on the top, of a time-release, granular, fertilizer/pest control product I use to keep thrips at bay on my ficus trees.
I think it's a Bayer product.
I was told they like "full morning sun" in my location (central Florida) but these are getting about 2 hours of full sun during sunset.
Now they were getting this same sun before the re-pot and feeding. I think it's the combo that worked for me.
That and some creative hyphenated word combinations.