Originally Posted by DeaC
Any new info on the disease that's killing your trees and/or a preventative?Seems that vanda has not been bothered tho and such a beauty!Glad you're back.
It is called Rapid Ohia Death, or Wilt.
Info here:
Hawai'i Forestry Extension: Rapid
The vascular systems of the Ohias are being clogged-up by a new never before seen in Hawai'i fungus, a type of Ceratocystis fimbriata.
It plugs up the tree's vascular system and the trees die in a matter of days to weeks. I'm not being hit nearly as bad as some are.
Some people have lost almost all of the Ohias on their property.
My area is Ground Zero for the disease, like it was for Little Fire Ants, Coqui Frogs, and a few other things that don't come to mind right now.
Ohias are the ubiquitous forest canopy tree. They are everywhere around here.
Even the forests are beginning to be affected.
large patches are beginning to die out.
It is almost like the Black Plague moving through Medieval Europe, except it is trees not people dieing.
There is no cure yet.
Probably only genetics will find a cure.
The resistant survivors will repopulate the island in time.
I'm looking for a good native replacement canopy tree.
I'm thinking of planting a lot of Ohe Mauka [Polyscias oahuensis] on our property.
They are a good choice for a native canopy tree that's well suited to our elevation here.
The problem is that I can't find any being sold anywhere.
I'll need to gather seed and start some myself, it looks like.
If it isn't one thing, it's another.