Thought I'd share a couple of orchids that have re-bloomed recently, as well as a few that I purchases from the Edmonton Orchid Show on Saturday.
First is Oncidium Sharry Baby " Sweet Fragrance" which I'm pretty sure is not one at all even though I bought it as so and it smells like one. As It always blooms almost black and yellow, with very little red.
Just a noid phal that I have had for about 4 years. Is my only hybrid phal but I love it. I thought it was going to kick the bucket but it pulled through again this year and gave me 3 spikes with 32 flowers. Just starting to flush open.
Purchases from the show.
Phal. stuartiana var. punctatissima.
I've wanted one of these forever!! I did not realize that these were even scented until today. I'm bad with smells but its very strong and reminds me of jasmine.
Cattleya Chuang Wen-Hsien S/A (violacea semi-alba 'Icabaru' AM/SOEM x nobilior var amaliae 'Perfection')
I am actually after Cattleya nobilior but I think this is as close as I will ever get to one. Although it does seem to have taken traits mostly from the violacea parent. I will probably cut the spike shortly as the roots do not look very good at all. But its lovely none the less if I can manage to keep it alive > . >
maxillaria tenuifolia, Not much to say here. I killed one once thought I'd see if I can kill another
I also purchased
Phal. tetraspis c#1 in spike! very small plant though?
Coelogyne Memoria Wilhelm Micholitz in spike as well
Cuitlauzina pendula, I am really excited about this one! I have never heard about it until yesterday,The plant is gorgeous. I believe it may be spiking as well. Can anyone confirm the culture being similar to that of Ceologyne cristata? Can't find much about it really.
Wish me luck I will probably need it