I purchased this plant in spike last July from Hausermann's. Two of the three spikes originally on the plant blasted while it was adapting to my conditions and I was so afraid I would lose the last one. That spike has yet to produce a bud, though it looks like it probably will soon. The spike this bud is on appeared on this plant sometime around Christmas I think, and it has another one that appeared about a month or so ago.
I have waited for this flower for eight months.
I plan to take pictures of it each morning until the bloom fully opens and post a new photo here. It does look like the very tips of the petals will be tinted green, which is what I was hoping for. I cannot wait to smell it in a few more days!
This is my first success with blooming a phalaenopsis species. I'm so excited about this bud, that it has really been worth the wait!
I did run a filter on these photos to try to get the colors to look as true to the plant that I see as possible. I think I got it fairly close. The leaves are lime green and the magenta color on the bud is just so, so vibrant!