Wow I am in heaven with all of those pictures! Thanks for sharing! I see a couple that I have and I can't wait for them to grow to the sizes you just showed!
I see you are from Vista, and I think I reconize where you wife works, does she work for Andy's? The picture of the walk to work looks very similar to the walk along the side of one of the green houses.
Very nice pictures and if it is not Andy's I would like to know were she works so that I can vist a new vendor for orchids.
They're all gorgeous...and I'm sure folks will start chiming in with some names but I need to know what the 9th one is! I MUST HAVE IT!!! Please don't tell me it's a cool-grower
By the way, does your lovely wife know you're showing her bloomers on the internet?
The plant in question is a Coelia Macrostachya and is sadly a cool grower ... just flipping figures huh? Dag nab it.