Hi all just wanted to post some images of my flowers, some flowers are out today while other images were from earlier in the year.
Descriptionj of images;
1. Blc. Sunstates' Bride Groom "Glenlee" large Red cattleya
2. Cymbidium-Forrest-Place-'Royale' - Mericlone not as spotted as the origional seedling.
3. Epi. orange x white Cattleya - Common orange Epidendrum x Blc. Burdeking Dream 'Mary' (large white Cattleya). Seed is almost ripe, will be available later.
4. Epidendrum Orange x Red Cat - Common orange Epidendrum x Blc. Sunstates' Bride Groom "Glenlee" Large red cattleya. Seed is almost ripe, will be available later.
5.Epidendrum Topaz Delight 'Gem' - Dwarf compact lavender pink flowers.
6. Epidendrum Topaz Prolific x Epi. Topaz Glory - prolific flowering dwarf Red eppidendrum.
7. Epidendrum_Topaz Rose_'Rosie' - Choide compact medium growing plant , lush pink flowers.
8. Epi-flexuosum-White - compact dwarf selection of speices.
9. Epi-Topaz-Delight - Compact medium growing plant with lavender - white flowers.
10. Epi_Topaz-Delight-Dumpy - very compact plant, lavender - orange flowers.
allan 1. Blc. Sunstates' Bride Groom "Glenlee" large Red cattleya
2. Cymbidium-Forrest-Place-'Royale' - Mericlone not as spotted as the origional seedling.
3. Epi. orange x white Cattleya - Common orange Epidendrum x Blc. Burdeking Dream 'Mary' (large white Cattleya). Seed is almost ripe, will be available later.
4. Epidendrum Orange x Red Cat - Common orange Epidendrum x Blc. Sunstates' Bride Groom "Glenlee" Large red cattleya. Seed is almost ripe, will be available later.
5.Epidendrum Topaz Delight 'Gem' - Dwarf compact lavender pink flowers.
6. Epidendrum Topaz Prolific x Epi. Topaz Glory - prolific flowering dwarf Red eppidendrum.
7. Epidendrum_Topaz Rose_'Rosie' - Choide compact medium growing plant , lush pink flowers.
8. Epi-flexuosum-White - compact dwarf selection of speices.
9. Epi-Topaz-Delight - Compact medium growing plant with lavender - white flowers.
10. Epi_Topaz-Delight-Dumpy - very compact plant, lavender - orange flowers.