Hi, there was of course another hall (the whole show is over 5 halls really).
This one is the main display which you come to after the main entrance gate.
Anyway it was like nothing I've seen before, the Phals and Oncids were hanging off the roof in large displays of flowers. It was really something to behold. If you want an orchid holiday I really highly recommend this show above all others.........
I also went to the show. Standing under the orchid spheres is really amazing, just like the theme "Amazing Ten." Here are some photos I took in this hall.
Orchid Taipei 101
The golden rain forest
Orchid chandelier
Orchid feast
Some display of spices
Pleione bulbocodioides (Franch.) Rolfe
Cypripedium formosanum, a Taiwan endangered indigenous species.
Oncidium cebolleta
A lot of paphs were displayed in this area, which is called 'Surprise Gifts!'
Last year was also very good like this except for a big cliff face and a lake in the middle of the entrance.......really impressive that they can do this every year for one show and then start planning again for next year. Best orchid show ever.