-50 Windchill outside but I have blooms!
When I woke up this morning the wind chill was -50C. It's not much better now but I have a number of winter blooms. Below is a group shot of some of them and then a shot of my Bc. Maikai 'Spotted Star'. This one will develop more colour in a few days and there are more buds yet to open, but I thought I would take the picture anyways.
In the group shot on the far left is a single pale pink and yellow flower. That is Ctt. Loddiaca. I got 2 blooms last year but only one this year. It does have a new growth with a spike and 2 buds growing as well. The slipper is Phrag. Pink Fire. It's been blooming for a month or more, often with two blooms per spike. Below it is a cluster of 3 blooms from C. Purple Cascade 'Fragrant Beauty'. It had another spike of 2 blooms which are done now. Bottom centre is a first bloom of Rth. Rubescent Fire. The colour is the deepest rich red without back light. I am really pleased with it. It is a cross made by Fred Clarke of SVO Orchids. And last, to the far lower right is one I bought last Feb. in bloom from Crystal Star Orchids called Ctt. Doris and Byron 'Christmas Rose'. It is a robust grower and I have already split this plant and given a piece away.
I'll take some better pics of the new bloomers later, but just thought I would share my blooms on a cold winter day. I have two NOID Cyms in full bloom in the greenhouse and 2 more Phrags out there which have been blooming for several months. Also a Tolumnia I may post later that is on one of my mounted clay logs and has bloomed for me.
I took some close up pictures of Rth. Rubescent Fire (the red one) and Ctt. Doris and Byron (the pink one.
I also added a Tolumnia that is blooming for me. I have it mounted on a ceramic log along with two others. The one at the top of the log has a short spike as well.
Last edited by silken; 01-05-2014 at 10:49 PM..