man its hot hit 107 in the hothouse the other day. This stuff gets hosed down 3 times a day and heavily watered every other day. It dries out very fast. The vandas dont like it at all. Catts Brassavolas Dendrobiums and even the small phals seem to really enjoy the new home even if its hot as long as they got water
Encyclia ramonensis. Ive seen these now called ceratistes but they do not look the same to me. Does not have fragrance like Dr Pepper either. Has no fragrance in fact.
This was a Lowes bag baby in april. Now its a happy blooming plant
thanks all Im having some hot fun in the summer time now we cooking with HEAT!!!
2 Brassavola nodosa. One is straight species the other is cultivar 'Remar' crossed with 'Mas Mejor'..Big flowers on the Remar cross. The mounted nodosa stays pretty small as the crossed species is a very large plant. Both smell wonderful. When the fragrant encyclia shuts down for the day the nodosa takes over.
Remar x Mas Mejor was a Lowes Bag Baby also
nodosa straight species
Prosthechea radiata..What a wonderful flower and great growing plant. Was Encyclia radiata. Smells very sweet and these flowers load the greenhouse with its scent every morning. This is a keeper!!
and coming soon cattleya schofieldiana. Got this from Clown alley last year and he just had one his plants bloom afor him last month nd got an AOS on his..
his flower
If mine looks half as good Im taking it to be judged!!!
Thanks you!!! All have been too good to me here !!!
and the greenhouse with my new texas limestone walk Im working on