First two pictures (about one week interval) are of Cattleya Lavendar Lady. I bought this in bloom in October last year. It had a long rest and now is blooming again. The new growth looked rather smallish but it is still making the same number (4) of buds as last year. I'm so excited!!! This is a keeper for me.
Next set of two pictures are of Oncidium Sunlight "NN"
It has already flowered earlier this year, but it is surprising me with a second spike instead of a new growth. Yay!!!
The fifth picture shows my Brassia Memoria Boedecker "Witch Doctor" spiking. I didn't water it enough while the new growths were developing and so the leaves got all crinkled up and the pbs are smaller. I was surprised to see a spike, but even more surprising is the number of buds on it. more than last season. yay!!!
Next set of four pictures show my first neo flowering!

The delicate little flowers have such interesting shape and amazing fragrance!
I thought this was going to be a pure white, but it's got some subtle pink here and there.
Last one, Armeni White still in flower. The second spike joined the show last week.