Originally Posted by ronaldhanko
Gorgeous color. Wish I had room to grow them.
Thank you, Ron! The picture came out rather blurry but I will try and take better pictures. These flowers look really good in person!

---------- Post added at 11:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:09 PM ----------
Originally Posted by Leafmite
I really love seeing these but I don't grow any. Lately, the summers have been in the nineties ('F). I somehow don't think they would be happy. And, yes, I did some repotting and I am out of space...completely. No more new orchids. But I will enjoy all the pictures you post of your beauties. And, at least I am not missing out on their fragrance. 
I thought these were only avaible during this time around, but I find them pretty much any time of the year. I'm surprised!
I buy a lot and toss a lot.
Well, I did keep three of these from last year. My apartment gets in the 90s or higher during the summer time as well, but all survived just fine to my surprise!
I got lazy and didn't repot last year and all three milts are too crowded with lots of new growths.
Just this past week, I took them all out of their 4in pots and slided into 7in pot without removing any old mix. just filled in the gap with new media.
This was just a quick fix. I'm hoping for flowers on them but not sure.
So, other than space, if the heat is your main concern, I think it is just a rumor.

---------- Post added at 11:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:13 PM ----------
Originally Posted by silken
Very nice find! These Milts are pretty much my favs. I don't grow them very well, but keep insisting on trying- at least for the time being! I really don't know how the big nurseries keep them so spotless looking.
Yeah, it's funny. These never really caught my attention. They just didn't look like orchids to me. rather houseplant of some sort.
but then I found a large white one with yellow mask last spring. It looked so good and even fragrant!
I was totally hooked!
My three milts from last year have been slowly growing, but because I didn't repot and watering was not very consistent, a lot of the new leaves are wrinkly.
This new red one looks a lot like Bert Field.
I like how small the whole thing is while the flowers are quite large. The second spike with buds are all opening up while I'm typing this and the way they open seem rather different than what I've seen so far. Many milts suffer and do not open properly when they are brought home but this beauty is behaving fine.
It is from a local grower who has fairly hot greenhouse during summer time. so I think these will fare well in my apartment as well. or so I hope.
One thing, some of the leaves have big black spots.
Almost all milts from this grower are that way.
He had some nice ones last summer and I didn't buy any as I wasn't sure about their heat tolerance.
now I know better!
Wednesday is when I bought this one. There were lots of other beautiful milts. but they were already sold and reserved. I was quite sad.

next week, I'm there first thing in the morning.

Stay tuned!