Originally Posted by mothorchidgirl
all your plants look great
Originally Posted by TheBlazingAugust
While I couldn't go, many other members from the Saskatchewan Orchid Society went. I heard when I was picking up my flasks that I preordered yesterday that, in total, the members of my society made $1,300 worth of preorders!
Originally Posted by silken
Your plants look great. Your Den. Love Memory Fizz is a nobile type so needs a cool dry winter to bloom.
I too went to Edmonton. As Cody mentioned a few of us went. I think the 3 in our car spent a nice chunk of change at the show. One friend came home with 34 orchids and I came home with I think 14. I am scared to count! And then yes, all the pre-orders our society placed. We really enjoy the Edmonton show and find it's a great opportunity to get plants from across the country and out of country.
Originally Posted by Leafmite
Nice purchases! Shows are really great!
Originally Posted by ezil
Yes, it was very good to see so many familiar faces and to get to chat with members from other societies. Fortunately success builds on success: the more people come to see, and buy orchids, the more vendors are motivated to come and sell. The atmosphere is always great, the budget always to small....
Originally Posted by NYCorchidman
Nice haul!
I have ceol. unchained melody. just finished bloom. I like them but smells bad for me. lol
Dendrobium nobiles are very common here in the spring and I love them. love memory fizz is one of my favorites for beautifully colored and scented flowers!
That last phal must be nicely scented too, isn't it?
Originally Posted by silken
Ha Ha! It was tight and we discussed strapping a human to the roof rack! But 500 km of travel in below zero temps may have meant me needing to adopt said roof rider's orchids by the time we got home
Thats Great Cody
Wonderful to support the show, as mentioned
Thanks silken, I know I'll probably [lol] have more questions
Unchained Melody is what my Daughter and I call 'Stinky Good'
Yes, the violacea smells Wonderful, and I just Love the form, so delicate
We are already anticipating next years show,
and have quite the lists of plants