Very Nice, Love them all.
Did you have to wait 6 Years for your Maikai to Bloom? Mine are still flowering and they smell good too.I think they are making up for lost Time
Monica, I didn't wait 6 years but it took 2 years on a good sized plant. I got it from H & R nearly 2 years ago with close to 20 growths and evidence of past spikes. I thought it would bloom soon but it just didn't. This summer it got much more sun and humidity than previous and I don't know if that did it or it just finally decided to bloom. It is a vigorous grower with new growths coming at the same time as these blooms.
I noticed the purple colour really developed on the flowers a day or two after they opened. Did yours do that? Mine looked a bit pale for the first day or two but are lovely now. No scent so far but I haven't checked too often at night.
yes mine did too, i guess it takes a few Days for the Colour to come out--- give it a Week or so for the scent to come, i have two Plants and when i get to the Kitchen in the Morning--it smells real nice.
Thanks 31drew31 and RosieC. Some of them have opened more blooms so even better now! We've been away for a few days so will have to see if the Bc. Maikai is scented at night or tomorrow in daylight. Not sure when it is supposed to smell.