Our Cross to bear in Florida is 'tropical-depression'. That sick feeling you get when Jim Cantore is broadcasting from your beachfront. Well, we didn't have that, but Isaac occupied five days of our lives here. Some gusty winds, but fifteen (15") inches of rain in the five days. Poor people inland are still flooded a week later.
I had a bunch of non-bloomers in my shade house. As I was cleaning up all the debris in the yard I made it to the plants. One of my little hybrids was spiking its guts out ! I brought it on the patio and took these shots when some opened..
I only lost one old Phal to rot after all the rain. I threw it, and the cupped pot away. I hit them all with the juice to be safe. I hear the smartest growers don't let the rain fall on their plants. I have shadecloth for the roof, and it is open to the setting sun. My controlled neglect is working so far.
Marc in Fla