I thought I'd post a few of my blooms of the moment ..
Pic 1 - Enyclia Tampense Alba -I have a hard time with this one's watering and rot the roots a bit. I have had this 2 years and it rewarded me with a spike with 3 flowers.
Pic2 - Neo falcata x coelestis blue .....I bought this a few years ago and was looking forward to the purple flowers as pictured on the site where bought from .. Luckily I like whites!

Pic 3 - Phal bellina.. although not a great form it does not let me down - this is the first species I ever bought.
Pic 4 - Phal bellina x pulchra alba
Pic 5 - aPhal hybrid with which I fell in love in a florist shop 3 years ago . Phalaenopsis 'Diamond Campagne 2006'
Pic 6/7 /8-My Giant buds/spike : Gastrochilus dasypogon India .. I can't wait for the blooms to open as they are huge compared to the other Gastro buds.There are 4 spikes!the 4th only having appeared last week.
Apart fom these I have a couple noid phals in bloom, my Mini Mark and Asc Princess Mikassa 'Blue' spiking, all my Gastros (6) spiking, equestris (pink)still going strong and my Zygo 'loisendorf' still in bloom