I love having stuff in bloom!!! This Phal NoID has been in bloom for a few weeks or so, and it is so neat to be able to compare the colour of the older blooms to that of the new ones!
I spent a good amount of time trying to get a decent pictures of the flowers to catch the colour, but gave up and blamed it on the dumb point and shoot camera. This is a close to real colour that I got it.
Here is my cute little Onc. Gold Dust (yes, I have more than just Phals
) that has been in bloom for a few weeks also. It took nearly two months for the buds to open from the first sign of a spike. I did pollinate one flower with pollen from Onc.
orynthorynchum (sp?) 'Lilac Soap' that I got from a friend, but it looks like it didn't work. This picture is a few days old, today, the whole capsule looks quite yellow.