Here are a few of my plants getting ready to flower. The first is a cattleya I bought 5 years ago NBS that is going to flower for the FIRST time!!! Took it long enough!! Its supposed to be Pot. Cameron's Magnetism, but by the looks of the bud, it definitely is not, so NOID it now is. The next that I also bought NBS 3 years ago and am dying to see flower is labeled Paph Lippewunder x Lippewunder. It is a mooooonster!! In the pics I have its bud next to Phrag schlimii to show a comparison, and one of me holding it, even though I couldnt fit the whole thing in the pic. (Dont mind the messy grow area in the background, its my cold growing area and it gets majorly neglected). Then there is Paph Pinocchio that is starting a new spike. It had a tumble and broke its last one, at which point it was starting its 21st bud (sequential). It was about 4 feet long. I am definitely taking pics of this ones development!! And last but not least for now is Phal Stone Dance 3N (Su-An Cricket 'Joy' x equestris var. alba 'Mime' 4N). I thought it would be white or off whiteish green, but it has pretty strong pigmentation, so not too sure what it will look like, but super excited either way!! I also have some NOID phals and catts that are just starting to spike, so I will post pics when they are further along.
-I am having trouble uploading all my pics, so this might take a few posts. Bear with me