First I discover a Cat. at the back of my top row (gotta climb on a step latter to get up there), and it's got like 3 buds on it almost ready to open plus another bulb that has some buds coming up out of the sheath!!! Okay I NEVER bloom Cattleyas so this is a complete surprise! I changed to a couple of T5 lights about half a year ago and it paid off.

It's this one:
Slc Tangerine Jewel 'Vi' HCC/AOS x LC Chicanery 'Diane' HCC/AOS
The second surprise...I NEVER bloom Phrags either...but low and behold one I got for like $15 at our annual silent auction in November (and apparently he usually sells them for $60!) also in spike!! Hopefully I read the tag right... Phrag. lenadorinse? I can't find anything when I Google it so I think I will have to email the guy I got it from for the spelling. It's not a big Phrag though so it almost seems like a miniature.
I was so excited yesterday I was almost dancing. I must finally be doing something right!
Oh yeah...and a mounted Aeraengis Punctata that I bought in Feb also has a spike! I never expected to bloom this either!!