1,2 - Tolumnia Genting Volcano
My first Tolu blooms! I have been growing a few Tolus for almost 2 1/2 years - was beginning to think I wasn't able to bloom them. It's not a very impressive spike with only 4 blooms, but the plant is small, and the fan that produced this spike is scrawny. I was very surprised when I found the spike on it. I have a couple other, larger Tolus growing spikes, but this is my very first to bloom for me, so it's special
2,3 - Epicatanthe Volcano Trick 'Fireball'
3rd time blooming in under 2 years since I have had it. By far the most blooms on a spike this time, but they are so clustered together, it's hard to see the individual blooms, and they are facing every which way - maybe that's part of their charm ? The blooms that opened first don't have the great color the blooms have had in the past, but some of the later opening blooms have better color. This one has been a very easy grower and bloomer for me.
thanks for looking