The photo of your Neostylis Lou Sneary made me go out and purchase two Neostylis Lou Sneary Bluebird. I'm trying to branch out of my 20 year addiction with Laelia and Cattleya species.
I do have Hamelwellsara June Indigo Sue, too. It is currently in fact 3 spikes which have been opening in the past few days.
Last edited by cday2inflorida; 01-14-2011 at 05:44 AM..
Reason: typo :(
I can't believe how they are growing for me - I normally can't keep anything green alive! I got a Phal last year and it took off... and then the addiction started (I'm up to 33 now - including a few Ghosties which look pretty happy!) and they seem to be very easy and natural for me to grow.
Oh and Laelias and Catts... I think I'm harboring an obsession with them but am trying to stay diverse!